Our Annual Hereos Golf Classic is a day is filled with Lead The Way supporters old and new.
The event includes a 4-person scramble, Heroes Golf Classic swag bag, a delicious brunch buffet, cocktail reception immediately following the fun-filled day on the course and dinner honoring Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund.
Fun on the course includes, but is not limited to: long drive contest, closest to the pin, straightest drive contest, beverage cart and BBQ lunch at the Halfway House. Amazing silent auction items and raffle packages will be available for outing participants during both the cocktail reception and dinner.

The Mission:
Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund, a 501c3 non-profit, is an active duty, casualty assistance, recovery, transition and Veterans organization that supports the Rangers and families of the 75th Ranger Regiment with financial assistance, beyond what the government and Veterans Affairs can offer. Lead The Way Fund, was established to raise funds in support of families of U.S. Army Rangers who have died, have been disabled or who are currently serving in harm’s way around the world. Through our Ranger Assistance Programs we address and support the ongoing needs of the Rangers and families of the 75th Ranger Regiment to help ease their financial burden.
The Lead The Way Fund, Inc. was created in honor of Sgt. James J. Regan, who was killed in Iraq on February 9, 2007, while serving with Charlie Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment.
The 75th Ranger Regiment is the U.S. Army’s premier large-scale special operations force, and it is made up of some of the most elite Soldiers in the world. As the premier light infantry fighting force, Rangers specialize in joint special operations raids and joint forcible entry operations deep inside enemy territory in support of our country’s policies and objectives.
The nature of their service leaves their heroism largely unknown but has been rewarded by a grateful nation with over 600 Purple Hearts, 2,000 Bronze Star Medals, 49 Silver Star Medals, and the Medal of Honor.
Each of the five geographically dispersed Ranger battalions are always combat ready (deployable within 18 hours), mentally and physically tough and prepared to fight the War on Terrorism. Their capabilities include air assault and direct action raids seizing key terrain such as airfields, destroying strategic facilities, and capturing or killing enemies of the Nation. Rangers are capable of conducting squad through regimental size operations using a variety of infiltration techniques including airborne, air assault and groud platforms. The Regiment remains an all-volunteer force with an intensive screening and selection process followed by combat-focused training. Rangers are resourced to maintain exceptional proficiency, experience, and readiness. The 75th Ranger Regiment is a proud unit and a team of teams serving the Nation – Rangers Lead The Way!
The Need:
The majority of U.S. Army Rangers are from small town America, many from backgrounds of modest means. Most active duty Rangers are the sole providers within the family unit, and most do not carry or qualify for adequate life insurance. The average income of an Army Ranger is below $30,000 per year. Rangers generally do not have sufficient savings to provide for their families if they are disabled. While the U.S. Army recognizes the Rangers as an elite group of soldiers and provides as much support as possible in times of tragedy, the need often exceeds available resources. The military and Veterans’ Affairs provide spouses with limited ongoing payments if Ranger’s injuries are sustained in combat. Families of the fallen or disabled are left behind with an immediate and ongoing need to meet the financial obligations of everyday life. The Lead The Way Fund was established to help ease these financial burdens and to help these families adjust to the realities of their new life.