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For Our Most Severely Wounded Rangers

Custom Built or Modified

Depending on the chosen location, our Rangers will either receive a home that is custom built or an existing home will be completely modified to suit the specific adaptive needs of each Ranger.

Handicap Accessible

Each home is either built or modified to be 100% Handicap Accessible, and tailored to the specific individual needs of each Ranger.

Mortgage Free

Thanks to the continued support of countless generous donors, Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund is proud to be able to provide our wounded Rangers with homes that are completely mortgage-free.

Smart Homes

All homes are equipped with lighting, heating, and electronic devices that can be controlled remotely by phone or computer to enhance the quality of life for our Rangers.

Healing , One Home at a time

“It’s more than a home, you’re giving me hope for the future.”

– SFC (Ret.) Cory Remsburg

SSG (Ret.) Travis Dunn

SSG (Ret.) Travis Dunn

Inspired by the September 11 attacks, SGT (Ret.) Travis Dunn wanted to be a part of a unit that consistently brought the fight directly to the enemy.

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SGT (Ret.) Tom Block

SGT (Ret.) Tom Block

SGT (Ret.) Tom Block joined the military in February 2010, inspired by his family’s life-long involvement in public service.

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MSG (Ret.) Chris Corbin

MSG (Ret.) Chris Corbin

Sergeant First Class Chris Corbin joined the military in 1995 and served with the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment from 1999-2007.

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SFC (Ret.) Cory Remsburg

SFC (Ret.) Cory Remsburg

SFC Remsburg became interested in the U.S. Army Rangers while in High School because, quite simply, ‘he wanted to be the best.’

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Sponsorship & Patriotic Supporters

Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund is grateful for the support of our corporate & local sponsors

Become a “Homes that Heal” Sponsor

Army Rangers Lead The Way Fund welcomes new opportunities to develop partnerships with corporations and local businesses who share in our commitment to helping serve our wounded Army Rangers and their families.

Homes That Heal Sponsorship

Yes! I’d like to learn more about how I can help support Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund’s Homes that Heal program and give back to our Ranger Warriors!








MISSION: Homes That Heal

Our Rangers are among the most disciplined and skilled Warriors in the world, selflessly putting their lives on the front lines each and every day to protect our freedom.  For our most severely wounded Rangers, their injuries are are often to the degree that their lives are irrevocably changed, threatening their independence and everything they once knew as a ‘normal’ life.

In 2014, Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund and Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors entered into a partnership when they joined forces to build state-of-the-art adaptable, mortgage-free, homes for our most severely wounded Rangers.

It is our hope that these “Homes that Heal” provide our Rangers and their families with the comfort, sense of stability, and, most of all, independence they deserve for their sacrifices.