Thank You All Who attended Jimmy's run 2022

On September 11, 2022, Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund hosted Jimmy’s Run and Gold Star Memorial in Munsey Park, Manhasset. We had the privilege of hosting 15+ Rangers from the 3rd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment to attend this special day. In addition, there were over 500 people in attendance. Those who participated in Jimmy’s Run/Walk had the honor to stroll through Jimmy’s hometown of Manhasset where they were guided down memory lane. They passed the home Jimmy grew up in, the elementary school he attended and the field that was named in his honor. Participants also had the opportunity to partake in other activities after the run concluded. There were several family fun activities in the parking lot such as, face painting, live entertainment from the Meade brothers, food and more!

Hosting the event on September 11th this year, was especially important because not only were we able to gather to honor SGT James J. Regan, but all those precious lives lost on the horrific day of 9/11. We could not have asked for a better day to celebrate, honor and remember all the lives lost and still affected by the horrible events on September 11, 2001.

Lead The Way Fund is dedicated to being heavily focused on the individual challenges of transition and the mental health and well-being of our Rangers and their families. Everyone’s support goes a long way in helping us continue our enduring support for the Rangers and families of the 75th Ranger Regiment. This is not possible without the support of those who were involved in Jimmy’s Run and Gold Star Memorial and Run. We hope to see plenty of you in the future as you continue to Help Us, Help Them. Please consider attending our upcoming events or donating on our website,  Rangers Lead The Way!gers Lead The Way!