On behalf of the Rangers of 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, thank you for your generous contributions to our unit while deployed in support of the Global War on Terror. We are humbled by your support in memory of SGT James J. Regan who honorably served our nation.
The Lead The Way Fund, the Regan Family, and the community of Manhasset, NY continue to provide inspiration and a small taste of home to deployed Rangers in combat. Our Rangers share the same enthusiasm for the items that SGT Regan enjoyed himself. Your desire to serve is a reflection of the spirit and patriotism which makes this great Nation strong, and serves as an example for our young Rangers.
Your contributions in honor of SGT James J. Regan do credit to your organization, the Regan Family and the community of Manhasset, NY. Your thoughts and prayers for teh Rangers of 1st Ranger Battalion are greatly appreciated as we continue our fight against the enemies of this great Nation!
Rangers Lead The Way!
– LTC 1/75