I wanted to take this time to formally thank you, your family, and the Lead The Way Fund for your generous contributions to the E Co. Ranger family. Your contributions have allowed the E Co. Family to build a stronger bond amongst each other, but more importantly provide a heartfelt appreciation to the men and women for their hard work as a Support Company for the Best Battalion in the United States Army. We are blessed and thankful to have you and your organization in our lives and we don not take your actions for granted, nor treat them as an expectation, but rather a wonderful gesture and unmatched commitment you have to not only our Ranger family, but the entire Ranger family, most importantly the Gold Star Family members who have given their son in support of our cause and will NEVER be forgotten. It is people like yourself and your family that make the Ranger Regiment the greatest organization in the world and an honor to be a part of. I just hope that E Co. can continue to make you proud and hold the selflessness value that you entrust in us and personally exercise daily! Always remember that your son holds a special place in our hearts and WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN…it is men like him that I thank God for bringing into this world to set a standard and an expectation of what a complete Ranger, Leader and Man needs to resemble for others to follow! Again, your contributions are of the highest level of generosity and selfless service and are appreciated at all levels of our our Ranger family. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO.
Echo Company, 3/75