Lead The Way Fund has been great to our family in the past two years since Kyle’s accidents. They have truly been there for us since day one and we couldn’t ask for a better organization to represent us. They are always keeping us informed with any information we need and always calling to make sure we are taken care of.

Lead the Way have truly gone above and beyond for us. After Kyle was released from the hospital, three months after his accident, he was still in a hospital bed at our apartment in San Antonio, Texas. The only way he was allowed to move to a normal bed was it had to be a tempur-pedic bed due to all the injuries on his bottom side. We had been on a wait list for almost two months waiting to get a bed. Lead the Way Fund called us and asked what we needed and we had a bed within 10 days of that phone call.

This last fall we were flown to New York City for the Lead the Way Fund Gala. We had an unbelievable experience and cannot thank this organization enough. They took care of our flights, our transportation, hotel, food, and even gave us spending money while in the city. The people we met on this trip were truly amazing and so supportive of this organization and what their goal is for our Rangers. Before the event Jim had a sit down interview with Kyle and it was so personal that I teared up watching. This organization truly cares for our Rangers and what happens after their accidents and even after their service.

Many other things they have contributed to us, is clothes, backpacks, duffel bags for travelling, and gift cards during the holidays. Lead the Way Fund has also discussed with Kyle and I about building our forever home. Even though we are not quite ready for our forever home we are truly thankful for this opportunity they have left open for us when the time is right. This organization has truly become family to us. We could not ask for anyone else to spend the time and money to get to know our story and our family on a personal basis. The contacts they have with each and every soldier they oversee is amazing and we can never thank them enough for the love they have shown us.

Kyle & Taylor Emmons