Donation in Honor of a Ranger

Make a special donation in the name of an Army Ranger.  Privately and securely,  donate to Lead The Fund through our PayPal interface while entering the name of a specific Army Ranger.  Please include the name and address you would like a letter sent to stating your donation in Honor of.

Read the instructions below then click on the Donate Now button.

Ranger Honoree Name:Send copy to address:
Addressee Name

Address 1

Address 2




Donation in Honor of a Ranger
Step 1: Below, click on the green “Donate Now” button. This will take you to the PayPal secure payment interface.
Step 2: Enter your donation amount then click the “Update Total” button.
Step3: Enter your payment information then click the “Review Donation and Continue” button.
Step 4: On the review payment page, click on the “Add special instructions for the Merchant” link. In the box provided enter the name of the Army Ranger you would like to honor with your donation and an address you would like us to send a letter stating you have made your donation.
Step 5: Click the Donate Now button to complete your donation.